Storytelling for Professional Impact

Open for inquiries starting November 2021

Storytelling as a communication tool to translate the “techie”, the complex and the change that has increasingly become part of work and business life and should be part of every professional’s toolkit.

It’s through the power of storytelling, with the right skills, you can influence how people feel, think and how they behave to achieve great things personally, professionally and for the greater good.

The need to cut through the noise of the modern world of business is a focus point to guide you on crafting stories using both digital tools and your personal presence that are moving, memorable and motivate others to take action.

This 21-day program will involve:

  • 1 x weekly 1-hour live webinar (plus 1-hour optional networking sessions) for 3 weeks
  • Online learning resources to access at your own pace.
  • 1 on 1 coaching (it’s all about you in these sessions)
  • Allocation of a “study buddy” / ”accountability partner” from the group to keep you motivated, act as a sounding board and ensure you are accountable for your professional growth.

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